Insert your own / self-made load from AutoCAD into RHL (Rigging, Hook & Load) Library.

Insert your own / self-made load from AutoCAD into RHL (Rigging, Hook & Load) Library.

CRANEbee does not need to be running for this process.
  1. Design, create, or open your load (CAD-Drawing). 
    Make sure that the “UNITS” setting is set on “Meter”, “Millimeter”, “Feet” or “Inch” but never on “Unitless”!

    After you have chosen your personal units, draw in your preferred scale.

    All our explanations are always based in meters.

    Your load is ready and you have moved it with its designated insert-point to 0,0,0 (X,Y,Z) (In most cases at the top of the load.),
    your drawing could look like this:

    (This example is also made to show how you get the main-rope-link point out of the center).

  2.  Now start the RHL tool in AutoCAD NOT in CRANEbee!

    Use the toolbar  
    or the dropdown menu

  3. Select “Import from CAD” This button is only available if RHL has been started from AutoCAD!

    Before you click that button be sure that your drawing is ready.

  4. Select your folder to save in, i.e. “Training data – Trainingsdaten”. Just highlight it, do not double-click,

  5. Then go for “Load Details” and type in some descriptions or values of your choosing.

  6. Move your mouse to the lower right corner and press "Accept".

  7. Now your mouse flips back to AutoCAD and ask you to “Select objects:”.
    Do that and finalize this action with ENTER 

  8. Follow the next instruction from AutoCADs command bar. It´s asking:  “Select insert point for the load
    Type in: “0,0,0”       (Important note: separate with “ , ”  only, never with an “ . ”)
    If done, finalize this action with ENTER.
    In AutoCAD a comma separates values where as a point is used as a decimal point. This applies to all languages and localizations.
    If “Dynamic input” is active, the system may ignore the 0,0,0 command (sometimes).

    Your drawing will “disappear” from the screen. To get it back type 3 times "U" (for "undo") / ENTER 

  9. Now go back to the RHL window, down to the right corner again and press "Close"

    This will now complete the session.

    The system will now create 4 files and save them into the RHL Library:
    C:\ProgramData\CRANIMAX\CRANEbee\RHL\Library\Training data – Trainingsdaten

Learn more in this example:

cm_rhl_06_02_2023_09-37-59.dwg                    This file corresponds to your original CAD component. It is loaded into  AutoCAD during the transfer from CB to CAD. 

cm_rhl_06_02_2023_09-37-59.obj                      This object file is shown in CRANEbee.

cm_rhl_06_02_2023_09-37-59.txt                       Contains your descriptive text.

cm_rhl_06_02_2023_09-37-59.wmf                    Windows Meta File, creates the preview image for the library.

In case of a complex and very large component drawing, you should give the system some time to generate the OBJ file after entering 0,0,0 and ENTER in AutoCAD.
To do this, RHL loads an external program (convertMAX.exe) to convert the DWG CAD block into an OBJ file. In most cases this is done so quickly that it is not visible.
With large files, the converter window will pop up and close again after a few seconds - then please wait!

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