How to create and insert your own hook block into CRANEbee´s main RHL-Library / Equipment folder (ADVANCED USERS ONLY)

How to create and insert your own hook block into CRANEbee´s main RHL-Library / Equipment folder (ADVANCED USERS ONLY)


In CRANEbee a hook consists of two pieces; the hook block (with frame, swivel joints, and rope pulleys) and the load hook below.
To correctly show them in the RHL, in CRANEbee, and in AutoCAD we need 5 files:
  1. 2x DWG: 3D CAD blocks for loading into AutoCAD; one for each part
  2. 2x OBJ: 3D object files for the representation in CRANEbee; also one for each part
  3. 1x TXT: text file with the description and the coordinates for inserting the ropes; this is only needed for the load hook

To make it a bit easier and to practice we have attached 5 files of a hook block (see download at the end of the article):




Mandatory Naming Convetions:

(H = Haken = load hook)
(HF = Haken-Flasche = hook block) 

The settings of the 3D CAD block MUST ALWAYS be "meter". This also applies for the imperial system.
CRANEbee will then convert to mm, cm, feet, or inch when importing and scale correctly when loading.
Please check the UNITS setting before you start.


The best thing to do first, is to create the complete hook block then move it to the XYZ coordinates 0,0,0 with its upper insertion point.

When the hook block is finished, divide it into two drawings. In our example, save the upper part with the pulleys under the file name: 
and save the load hook as:

Note before saving:

It is very important that each of the two drawings is converted to a single block (not a WBlock) in its own drawing.
The block name does not matter.

Only then can these components be loaded later from CRANEbee into AutoCAD and moved there with the control.

As soon as the DWGs are ready they have to be converted into OBJ (object files). For this you can use one of the tools of CRANEbee.

Go to the directory "C:\Program Files\CRANIMAX\CRANEbee\ApplicationData" and run "convertMAX.exe".

  1. Search and open the two generated files one after the other.
  2. The current drawing will be displayed in the middle.
  3. Click on the save button to convert it to an object,
The convertMAX converts the DWG file to an OBJ file and saves it under the same name in the same folder.

Finally, the TXT file with the descriptions and the coordinates for the rope insertion points must be created.

Simply create a new text file with the Windows editor and fill it in as explained in the next picture, or use the template file and change it as needed.
It is important that the text file has the same file name as the drawing of the load hook.
Please keep to the spelling, lines and order the same as shown in the example.

Adding the new Hook to your library

CRANEbee should not be running when the new files are added to the library.

Please save all files in C:\ProgramData\CRANIMAX\CRANEbee\RHL\Equipment 
ProgamData is a protected and hidden directory.
However, if you type in C:\programdata into the address bar at the top, this path will open in Windows Explorer. Alternatively, in Windows Explorer, you can go to "View -> Show/Hide -> Check "Hidden Items"" to show all hidden items on your system.


If your Hook-block is NOT shown in the hook selection list after restarting CRANEbee, the RHL LOG files must be deleted.

You can find them under "C:\ProgramData\CRANIMAX\CRANEbee\Logs". Select all files with CB_RHL<date>.log in the name and delete them.
Then restart CRANEbee.

If this did not resolve the problem, please check for misstyped values in the TXT file and also check into your DWGs if the parts really are converted into a block!
If all else fails please send us an email at or open a new ticket from the system. We are happy to help.

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